Beauty fades but the soul forever shines


I have painted a series of girls and as I paint think how beauty (as society perceives beauty) fades as we age but the soul continues to shine

I often paint a bird on the girls shoulder to signify our connection with Mother Nature

This girl I have painted on an artists cradled wood board - wire in reverse for easy hanging

She measures 51cm x 41cm

Thank you 🐦 

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I have painted a series of girls and as I paint think how beauty (as society perceives beauty) fades as we age but the soul continues to shine

I often paint a bird on the girls shoulder to signify our connection with Mother Nature

This girl I have painted on an artists cradled wood board - wire in reverse for easy hanging

She measures 51cm x 41cm

Thank you 🐦 

I have painted a series of girls and as I paint think how beauty (as society perceives beauty) fades as we age but the soul continues to shine

I often paint a bird on the girls shoulder to signify our connection with Mother Nature

This girl I have painted on an artists cradled wood board - wire in reverse for easy hanging

She measures 51cm x 41cm

Thank you 🐦